Waiting and Innovating For 21st Century
Posted on | February 1, 2011 | Comments Off on Waiting and Innovating For 21st Century
Eric Dishman
I rushed home in crazy, foggy traffic Tuesday evening to see the President’s State of the Union address. I had left work hours earlier to head to a doctor’s appointment that had taken me four months of delay to get. I showed up fifteen minutes early, knowing that I would have to do the “New Year” fill-out-the-paperwork-all-over-again-routine upon arrival. Sure enough, the woman at the front desk handed me a clipboard and a germy ballpoint pen, saying, “James, please fill this out and let me photocopy your insurance card.”
Once again, she called me “James” even though I have explained to them for nine years running that I go by my middle name “Eric.” (CONTINUE….)