
Exploring Human Potential

Health Professional Collaboration Inside and Outside The Hospital

Mike Magee Ten days ago, my wife and I were blessed with the arrival of our 8th and 9th grandchildren – two little girls, Charlotte and Luca. We were also introduced for the first time, as health consumers, to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). The girls came early, at 34 weeks, and are working […]

President Obama and Martin Luther King: Two Leaders With One Message.

Mike Magee As Rev. Martin Luther King approached the podium in front of the Lincoln Memorial, his staff have recalled that he was very satisfied with their planning for the march on that day. Originally intended to terminate at the Congressional steps, the Kennedy administration, which was pursuing the historic Civil Rights Bill at the […]

Pfizer, Torcetrapib, and HDL: The Dangers of Presuming To Know.

Mike Magee In June 2006, I was meeting privately with a member of Pfizer’s executive leadership team when he shared with me two bits of information that resurfaced in my conciousness today. The first was offered as a bit of coaching (more political than scientific) but has broader application: “Mike, don’t ever presume that you […]

The New Year: Searching For Our Common Future

As we launch 2011, one thing is certain. We will continue to weigh the value of individuality versus commonality. What do we have in common? How different are we really, and why? Do we have a common origin? What are the forces that shape our futures? As we look forward, take a moment to read […]

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