
Exploring Human Potential

My Holiday Gift To You: Advanced Professionalism

Posted on | December 24, 2010 | Comments Off on My Holiday Gift To You: Advanced Professionalism

Mike Magee

What an eventful year it has been for HealthCommentary. In reflecting back on the many concepts and visions we have shared together – universal access married to individual and family responsibility for health; Techmanity  (technology that humanizes); “Home is where the health is, as well as the heart.”; the 13 part series on aging honoring the passing of  Bob Butler; Reports from the IOM Conference on the Human Health impact of the Gulf Oil Spill and from the disaster in Haiti; Obesity as a marker for chronic disease burden, and more – what one should be singled out as my holiday gift to you?

I’ve chosen the series and syllabus we created titled “Advanced Professionalism”. If you haven’t had the opportunity to review it, I urge you to. Here it is, and have a very Merry Christmas (if you celebrate it) and a Happy New Year!


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