
Exploring Human Potential

Cost 0f Long Term Care: State by State

Posted on | December 8, 2010 | 1 Comment

Click on the map below for a state by state read of the cost of long term care such as nursing homes, assited living and at home services.


One Response to “Cost 0f Long Term Care: State by State”

  1. devinenders
    February 17th, 2013 @ 9:01 pm

    Those who are planning for long term care must be aware that costs vary in every state and even in regions within a state. They can save if they compare costs and choose to receive care in the state that offers the best price. Additionally, if they have an LTC plan, this can cover the costs of skilled and custodial care. They can watch this video at for long term care insurance policies and to see how they pay for LTC

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