
Exploring Human Potential

My Holiday Gift To You: Advanced Professionalism

Mike Magee What an eventful year it has been for HealthCommentary. In reflecting back on the many concepts and visions we have shared together – universal access married to individual and family responsibility for health; Techmanity  (technology that humanizes); “Home is where the health is, as well as the heart.”; the 13 part series on […]

Why The Health Bill Is Good For Americans: HHS Video

Link Here.

What Obesity and ED Have In Common: A Medical “Trojan Horse”.

Mike Magee Ten years ago, during the wild first weeks that followed the release of Viagra, the first effective traetment for erectile dysfunction, much of the debate avoided the issue of effectiveness (most agreed it was effective) and focused on the question, “Should insurers reimburse for this treatment?” Two years later, states far and wide […]

How Healthy Is Your State And Our Nation?

Mike Magee The wire release of America’s Health Rankings®, a state by state assessment compiled by the American Public Health Association and supported by the United HealthCare Foundation, summed it up this way: “Overall Healthiness Slightly Improved, but Obesity, Children in Poverty, and Diabetes Worrisome for States’ Health….reductions in smoking, preventable hospitalizations and infectious disease […]

Cost 0f Long Term Care: State by State

Click on the map below for a state by state read of the cost of long term care such as nursing homes, assited living and at home services.

Is It Time For Gina Kolata To Hang Up Her Spikes?

Mike Magee Gina Kolata, science reporter for the New York Times since 1987, is one month younger then me. I turn 63 this January 20th. We both like sports and medical science. She studied molecular biology at MIT and received a masters degree in Mathematics from the University of Maryland. I studied medicine and learned […]

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