
Exploring Human Potential

Global Impact of Second Hand Smoke

Featured Video: Global Study on Second Hand Smoke

Thanksgiving: Wants, Needs and Giving Thanks.

Mike Magee – Thanksgiving, 2010 Longing takes too long. To pray, to hope, to dream of someday being satisfied fills too many every days. What have you seen, or done or felt this year for which you are grateful? Nothing? Everything? Something? Are your needs that great compared to others who somehow find happiness with […]

Tim Johnson- An Important Voice On Health Care Reform

Mike Magee On  December 5th, long time friend and colleague, Tim Johnson, will be mediating the varying voices of health consumers and health professionals on behalf of the Mayo Clinic, sponsor of “Achieving The Vision”, a Health Policy Symposium in Bethesda, MD. Tim, former Medical Editor  for ABC News and an ordained minister, is more then […]

“Meaningful Use”? Some Thoughts From Ted Shortliffe in 1991.

Mike Magee I wrote recently about the “meaningful use” regulations that define the requirements for federal grants and tax relief to physicians who adopt EMR’s. I’ve questioned whether the vision for the use of these technologies is under powered. To answer this question, it helps to look back if you want to look forward. Why? […]

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