
Exploring Human Potential

Bullying Is No Longer Acceptable!

Posted on | October 1, 2010 | 1 Comment

Mike Magee

The recent death of the freshman student Tyler Clementi at Rutgers reminds us that bullying in the age of video streaming and the Internet is deadly. It also draws our attention to the fact that growing up is hard enough, and doubly difficult for gays and lesbians. Nice kids like Tyler end up targets. As Ellen DeGeneres says below, kids like Tyler need to know that people like us care about them, that there is help out there, and that things will get better. Bottom line: it’s time for all of to speak up.


One Response to “Bullying Is No Longer Acceptable!”

  1. Marjorie Fuller
    October 5th, 2010 @ 1:33 pm

    Bullying shouldn’t be acceptable in any situation, from the motorist who tailgates the one in front, to people of different cultures/religions or non-religions.

    But we also need to watch, that we don’t go so far, that we don’t allow for open dialogue of differences.

    Freedom of religion and expression shouldn’t be sacrificed in the process, that would result in the greatest form of bullying.

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