
Exploring Human Potential

Kathleen Sebelius Straight Talk To Health Insurers

Kathleen Sebelius US Secretary, Health and Human Services Original Source: Wall Street Journal In the last two weeks, my department has been accused of “thuggery” (this editorial page) and “Soviet tyranny” (Newt Gingrich). What prompted these accusations? The fact that we told health-insurance companies that, as required by law, we will review large premium increases […]

American Medical News Reports: Dr. Berwick’s “Triple Aim” Plan

Original Source Here Chris Salva New CMS Chief to focus on quality, organization and costs In his first major remarks on the agency’s direction, Dr. Berwick spells out his policy goals under a “Triple Aim” plan. Speaking at a conference hosted by America’s Health Insurance Plans, Dr. Berwick lauded the Affordable Care Act as “the […]

2010 World Stem Cell Summit

The 2010 World Stem Cell Summit (October 4-6 in Detroit) will provide critical networking opportunities, insights and resources as stem cell research faces an uncertain future. Though a recent court ruling lifted the August injunction on federal ly-funded embryonic stem cell research, the future of th is promising field remains unclear. Research!America and many other […]

Health Reform: A Day of Reckoning Arrives

Mike Magee Six months ago today, the Patient Protection and Affordability of Care Act was signed into law. (1) And for many, today is “the day of reckoning”. That’s because many of the most critical consumer benefits of this transformational health bill take effect today. Yet many remain confused about what health reform is and […]

Link Between Social Networking and Health?

Is social networking good for your health? SOURCE: NYT Weighs In. “..the amount of social reinforcement you give to people to improve their health habits may be more important than who is encouraging them to do so. In other words, a local community network of friends and neighbors may be more important than a remote […]

USA Today Reports On Rise In Uninsured


Is High Fructose Corn Syrup The Next Trans Fat?

Mike Magee In the world of Mad Men consumer advertising, first you name it, then you sell it.(1) OK, it’s a little more complicated than that. In naming a consumer product, you consider what that product might mean to the consumer and study what types of terms resonate. And when the product is launched, and […]

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