
Exploring Human Potential

Childhood Vaccinations: You Can’t Let Your Guard Down.

Posted on | July 1, 2010 | Comments Off on Childhood Vaccinations: You Can’t Let Your Guard Down.

Mike Magee

As the recent outbreak of whooping cough in California illustrates, ensuring population wide immunization remains an uphill battle.

The story of childhood vaccinations, at least in the developed world, is a remarkably successful one. With the development of vaccines, many childhood diseases have become extremely rare, and the health and well-being of millions of people have been dramatically improved.(1)

So why is it that so many parents these days are reluctant to vaccinate their children? Is the new complacency – and outright opposition to vaccinations — warranted? Is there some reason why we should back off from the generally accepted medical practice of vaccinating our kids?

The answer to all these questions is a firm “no” – and for the next few minutes we’ll explore why vaccinations are still a good idea. But first, let’s have a look at the statistics on vaccinations and childhood disease.



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