
Exploring Human Potential

A Letter From Kathleen Casey MD of Operation Giving Back

Posted on | April 22, 2010 | Comments Off on A Letter From Kathleen Casey MD of Operation Giving Back

Dear friends – 

Mother Teresa said, “We can do no great things, only small things with great love.” While our efforts of October 2007 preparing the flooded St. Cecilia School for its future as a much needed health clinic in New Orleans’ 9th ward were just a small part of the years of work required to bring this endeavor to fruition, they were indeed done with great love. 

I’m excited to share the news that the grand opening and ribbon cutting ceremony for the St. Cecilia Health Center will be held next Friday, April 30th at 10:00 am.  It seems fitting that the approaching 5th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina be marked by the hope and progress that this represents! 

My deepest gratitude goes out to each of you for your efforts in making this a reality.  If any of you will be in the vicinity of New Orleans and able to attend this event, please let us know – we’d love to have a representative there if possible . . .  and pictures of course! 

Thanks to all of you for your incredible contributions and the inspiration you provide. 

All the best, 

Kathleen M. Casey, MD, FACS            
Director, Operation Giving Back
American College of Surgeons
633 N. Saint Clair Street
Chicago, IL 60611


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