
Exploring Human Potential

Testimony to Health IT Policy Committee on the use of health IT for patient and family engagement

Posted on | April 20, 2010 | Comments Off on Testimony to Health IT Policy Committee on the use of health IT for patient and family engagement

Eric DishmanEric Dishman

 Verbal testimony delivered today in Washington DC:

“I am honored to testify today about using health IT to facilitate more patient and family engagement in our own health, wellness, and care.

My social science career has spanned almost 20 years of doing R&D of patient engagement technologies. These past 11 years, I have run Intel’s health research and innovation group… who has lived with and observed more than 1000 patients in 20 different countries…has led more than a dozen pilots of in-home technologies for seniors and chronic disease patients…has created two 300-household cohorts of families in Oregon and Ireland as an evidence-based testbed for these technologies… and has funded almost 100 university grants in this domain.



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