
Exploring Human Potential

Changing Our Perspectives on Healthcare Reform

Posted on | April 1, 2010 | 1 Comment

Eric Dishman

Eric Dishman

This has been a hard–occasionally embarrassing and even frightening–time to be an American. The healthcare reform and reconciliation bills have ushered in some of the nastiest political bickering and fear mongering seen in my short lifetime. Our media megaphone that so thrives on conflict, over-simplification, and 24 X 7 soundbites has left us shouting and cursing at one another–and sometimes worse–at levels that far exceed what seems reasonable, healthy, and warranted, especially given the actual content of these pieces of legislation. To be perfectly honest, I have been reluctant and a little afraid of writing and publishing this blog entry out of fear of the conflicts it may generate for me and my inbox.

But we can’t live our lives in fearful silence. And we need to do some perspective-taking here. (CONTINUE….)


One Response to “Changing Our Perspectives on Healthcare Reform”

  1. Mike Magee
    April 1st, 2010 @ 8:34 am


    Thanks for so clearly stating your point of view. As you suggest, we face a choice in leadership based on two different philosophies regarding change. One approach is to resist change and maintain the status quo by ramping up fear which tends to freeze a populace in place. The second is to embrace change and exploration. The first approach uses fear as currency, while the second uses powerful visions that capture the imagination. The work that you do at Intel, and that others do on the leading edge of technology and science, help define visions that I hope will encourage our country and our citizens to constantly pursue a better America.

    Thanks, Mike

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