
Exploring Human Potential

Goldman Sachs, Cosmetic Surgery, Tweens and “American Exceptionalism”

Mike Magee As leaders from Goldman Sachs were facing off Congressional questioners on issues of ethics, conflict of interest and the need to reset the American culture, data from a quite different source suggested that the financial crisis was already impacting the most personal of personal choices. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons reported a […]

Daily Choice on Hiatus Until May 10, 2010

Daily Choice: April 30, 2010

Reflection: Want vs. Need

Doctors Don’t Discuss Diet With Obese Patients

Source: Los Angeles Times “With the nation’s high rates of obesity and the low odds of weight loss, perhaps weary doctors are just giving up. National statistics show that only about half of obese Americans were advised by their doctors to cut down on fatty foods. The rate, from a 2006 survey, has not changed […]

Daily Choice: Thursday, April 29, 2010

Reflection: Generous vs. Selfish

American Lung Association: How’s Your City’s Air?

Source: American Lung Association Key Findings The State of the Air 2010 shows that the air quality in many places has improved, but that over 175 million people—roughly 58 percent—still suffer pollution levels that are too often dangerous to breathe.   Unhealthy air remains a threat to the lives and health of millions of people in the […]

Sun Facts: The Age of “Sunfusion”

Mike Magee We’re about to enter the sunny season, and for many it’s “sunfusion” – sunlight confusion. Is sun exposure good or bad? Let’s start here: Sun Beds (tanning salons) – bad.(1) But what about everyday natural sun? On the positive side: boosts Vitamin D (may protect against diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis and other diseases), elevates […]

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