
Exploring Human Potential


Reflection: Reality vs. Perception

Bullying: A Double-Edged Sword

The suicide death of a young girl, Phoebe Prince, tortured by high school tormentors, reminds us that bullying is alive and well across America. The  American Medical Association Alliance, over 10 years ago created SAVE, Stop America’s Violence Everywhere. This grassroots program addressed many forms of violence over the years, but especially identified one problem […]

Electronic Health Records and Clinical Trials: An Incentive to Integrate

GUEST CORRESPONDENT Chris Thorman As we wait for the federal government to finalize important sections of the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH), there is a lot of talk about the financial incentives for implementing electronic health records (EHR). And understandably so. Practices that implement an EHR under the federal government’s […]

DAILY CHOICE: Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Reflection: Others vs. Self

“Virtual Water”: Water For Food

Mike Magee Most US health professionals understand by now that the average American diet is seriously out of wack. Both in quantity and quality we’re way off the mark. And the direct results are soaring levels of childhood obesity in the young and an ever expanding burden of chronic disease in adults. And US based […]

DAILY CHOICE: Monday, March 29, 2010

Reflection: Generous vs. Selfish

Tom Linden’s Postmortem on Physician Journalist Performance in Haiti

Mike Magee I’ve been involved in physician journalism for 30 years, at one point serving as president of the National Association of Physician Broadcasters (now the National Association of Medical Communicators) and authoring a Health Professional Media Code of Ethics in 1992.  A great friend and first class journalist through those years has been Tom Linden, who heads […]

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