DAILY CHOICE: Friday, January 22, 2010
Reflection: Faith Filled vs. Cynical
What Ever Happened To The Tavistock Principles and the Role of Consumers in Defining Professionalism.
Mike Magee MD This week I continue my dive into “Advanced Professionalism”, a purposely disruptive process that explores whether it is possible to practice professionalism in a system with profound structural flaws in design, center of influence and measures of success. A quick review. Two weeks ago I began with a list of “desirable attributes” in […]
DAILY CHOICE: Thursday, January 21, 2010
Reflection: Praise vs. Criticism
The Silver Lining
Brian Klepper and David C. Kibbe Massachusett’s voters’ stunning rejection of Democrat Martha Coakley, in favor of a not-very-impressive Scott Brown, should be exactly the splash of cold water that the Democratic party – and Congress as a whole – needed. The defeat can be understood in two ways: one large and one fairly small. […]
DAILY CHOICE: Struggle vs. Give In
Reflection: Struggle vs. Give In
DAILY CHOICE: Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Reflection: Energized vs. Bored
Cervical Cancer and HPV
Margaret Lewin, MD Medical Director, Cinergy Health Guest Correspondent Last year, 11,270 new cases of cervical cancer were diagnosed and another 1.2 million women will develop dysplasia, a condition which left untreated will turn into cervical cancer. Cervical cancer is a malignancy that develops in tissues of the cervix: the organ which connects the uterus […]
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