
Exploring Human Potential

DAILY CHOICE: Sunday, January 31, 2010

Reflection: Rejoice vs. Sorrrow

Featured Video On Community Telemedicine

Featured Video: Press Here

Daily Choice: January 30, 2010

Reflection: Young vs. Old

Operation Smile/Haiti Update

Mark Beers, Senior Program Coordinator Tuesday, Jan. 26, 2010 It has been a busy day getting set up and integrated into the work being done here. Today we set up two general anesthesia tables in a former classroom. In addition, our team spent the day not only evaluating the patients in the clinic (field of […]

DAILY CHOICE: Thursday, January 28, 2010

Reflection: Bold vs. Cautious

Operation Smile Harnesses Resources and Skills for Haiti

Mike Magee With the unprecedented disaster in Haiti, Americans from all walks of life have responded in any way they could to lend support. As the immediate rescue activities have come to an end, infrastructure and health care have entered center stage. Traditional NGO’s with a focus on clean water, shelter, food and avoidance of […]

New Jobs For New Healthcare: 5 Ideas for Growing A Careforce For The 21st Century

Eric Dishman  In a blog entry months ago, I wrote about how Baby Boomer women–and creating a new “careforce”–are critical for healthcare reform to succeed. And I promised back then to put out some ideas the following week for creative ways to grow that innovative workforce. Okay, I got sidetracked on other topics and missed my own […]

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