
Exploring Human Potential

Interview: Elizabeth Pantley (author, “No-Cry Sleep Solution”)

Posted on | November 16, 2009 | Comments Off on Interview: Elizabeth Pantley (author, “No-Cry Sleep Solution”)

Meredith Magee Donnelly


Elizabeth Pantley, author of The No-Cry Sleep Solution, speaks with sensitivity and intelligence about the challenges parents face in finding a balance between “nighttime neglect and daytime exhaustion”.  What a breath of fresh air!  I am delighted to share my interview with you.  

Everywhere I look these days there seems to be a book, website or television segment discussing the sleeping habits of babies.  How did you determine that there was a need for The No-Cry Series?   

When my first child, Angela, was a baby, she did not sleep through the night. Far from it! She woke every two hours! As a new, inexperienced parent, I searched for solutions in books, articles, and conversations with other parents. I soon discovered two schools of thought when it comes to babies and sleep: One side advocates letting a baby cry until she learns to fall asleep on her own.  The other side says that it is a parent’s job to nurture the baby — all day and all night — and eventually, when your baby is ready, she will sleep through the night. In a nutshell, the two methods can be summed up as “cry it out” or “live with it.” I wanted neither. I knew there had to be a kinder way, a road somewhere between nighttime neglect and daytime exhaustion that would be nurturing for my baby and for me. But I couldn’t find any answers. Time passed, and eventually my daughter did sleep through the night — but not until after her second birthday.   

(to continue…)


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