
Exploring Human Potential

Uniting Health And Water Professionals

Posted on | November 3, 2009 | Comments Off on Uniting Health And Water Professionals



On October 12, 2009, I completed a journey that began a little over 8 years ago, in the immediate aftermath of 9/11. As NYC dwellers at the time, our family was directly impacted by the events, the immediate response, and the short, and continuing long term recovery. I was directly involved in support of firemen and policemen, participated in memorial services and remembrances, conducted extensive Fear Level Surveys at 12 and 30 months post-event, spoke at Symposiums on disaster preparedness and more. (1,2)

But the most lasting involvement was the writing of a book and the creation of a traveling exhibit called “All Available Boats”, which told the stories of 10 boat captains and 10 passengers, brought together on 9/11 as part of an epic maritime evacuation (300,000 citizens in 24 hours) initiated by a call from the Coast Guard for “all available boats”. (3)  Beyond telling this important story, the lasting effect for me was that it lead to a direct involvement first with the Coast Guard where I was exposed to their unique Mission, Values and Leadership Ethic; and 2nd to the UN, which was in the process of launching their 2nd “Water For Decade/Water For Life” program. (4,5)   (to continue…)


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