
Exploring Human Potential

Saving Health Care, Saving America

Posted on | November 2, 2009 | Comments Off on Saving Health Care, Saving America


Brian Klepper, David C. Kibbe, Robert Laszewski, and Alain Enthoven

So far, Congress’ response to the health care crisis has been alarmingly disappointing in three ways. First, by willingly accepting enormous sums from health care special interests, our representatives have obligated themselves to their benefactors’ interests rather than to those of the American people. More than 3,330 health care lobbyists – six for every member of Congress – contributed more than one-quarter of a billion dollars in the first and second quarters of 2009. A nearly equal amount has been contributed on this issue from non-health care organizations. This exchange of money prompted a Public Citizen lobbyist to comment, “A person can reach no other conclusion than this is a quid pro quo [this for that] activity.” (to continue…)


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