
Exploring Human Potential

DAILY CHOICE: Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Honorable vs. Dishonorable REFLECTION: Honor is to have the courage of one’s own convictions, to at the end of the day, at the end of each day, be able to live with yourself. Each individual must decide for herself where to draw the line, the decision of what is right, the decision of what is […]

Expanding Aging Boundaries: Aging in Style

Featured Video: Grandmother and 29 Year Old Grandson View Here

DAILY CHOICE: Monday, November 30, 2009

Grateful vs. Hateful REFLECTION: Hate hurts the hater. A burning passion self digests. When you expect too much you breed your own resentment. But if your expectations are zero, every little blessing is a pleasant and welcome surprise. Human nature wants to compare, to compete, to have and in the process create have-nots. But isn’t […]

Daily Choice: Sunday, November 29, 2009

Balanced vs. Frenzied     REFLECTION: Speed is not the essence. A gentle pace allows observation and learning. Nature is the great buffer, balancing back the extremes of our acids and bases, drawing life together, advancing harmony. Life is learned by modeling. All forms of life and all living are formative. We pay a price […]

The Politics Of Evidence Based Medicine

        Lewis Miller The US Preventive Task Force revised recommendations on the frequency of mammography couldn’t have come at a worse time. I guess the only sensible conclusion about the timing has to be the head-in-the-ivory-tower attitude of academics to life in the real world.  Congress has now decided to debate the […]

DAILY CHOICE: Friday, November 27, 2009

Beauty vs. Ugliness           REFLECTION: Beauty suffers by definition. There is false beauty that is superficial and short-lived as there is true beauty that is deep-seated and forever. At times these two do coexist. At times they do not. One is understated, the other overstated. One is likely to offer surprises […]

DAILY CHOICE: Thursday, November 26, 2009

THANKSGIVING DAY Balanced vs. Frenzied         REFLECTION: Speed is not the essence. A gentle pace allows observation and learning. Nature is the great buffer, balancing back the extremes of our acids and bases, drawing life together, advancing harmony. Life is learned by modeling. All forms of life and all living are formative. […]

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