
Exploring Human Potential

Healthy Choices For Children: A Critical Look at Gerber Graduates Cereal Bars and Healthy Alternatives

Posted on | October 22, 2009 | Comments Off on Healthy Choices For Children: A Critical Look at Gerber Graduates Cereal Bars and Healthy Alternatives

Meredith Magee Donnelly / Guest Blogger

Looking at the list of ingredients on a box of Gerber Graduates Cereal Bars I was surprised to see high fructose corn syrup listed as one of the first ingredients in both the crust and the filling.  On the back cover of Nutrition Action Healthletter, one of my favorite sources for nutritional information, there is a section called “Food Porn” which highlights some of the worst foods you can eat.  If I was to create a list entitled “Baby Food Porn” Gerber Graduates Cereal Bars would be high on my list.  (To Continue…)


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