
Exploring Human Potential

Death Panel Nonsense and Evidence Based Medicine

VIDEO As the debate over health reform continues to create a storm of opinion and a range of emotions across the nation, a group of experts struggle quietly to steer our nation’s health system toward an endpoint that would simultaneously increase quality while better managing cost. Getting there is not made easier by bogus and […]

Fat Tax: Paying Big For Poor Nutrition

VIDEO Here is the cold hard truth about Prevention according to the Institute of Medicine’s senior scholar J. Michael McGinnis. People who die early in America have mostly themselves to blame. Dr. McGinnis’s analysis reveals that 30% of early deaths are driven by genetics or inherited vulnerabilities; 20% are the result of poor environmental or […]

Fat Tax: Paying Big For Poor Nutrition

Here is the cold hard truth about Prevention according to the Institute of Medicine’s senior scholar J. Michael McGinnis. People who die early in America have mostly themselves to blame. Dr. McGinnis’s analysis reveals that 30% of early deaths are driven by genetics or inherited vulnerabilities; 20% are the result of poor environmental or social […]

Euthanasia, Abortion, Communism, Trillions of Dollars, Losing Freedom, and Town Hall Mobs

(Stop the Spread of Fictional Fears!) by Eric Dishman on August 12, 2009 Ah, with those powerful words in the title of this blog, I am bound to get lots of attention. Or to distract lots of attention. I tried really hard not to write this blog entry, to swallow my outrage and stifle my […]

Sleep: A Critical Ingredient In Childhood Health

Anyone who is a parent knows how hard it can be to get kids to sleep. When we’re young, we have boundless energy; sleep just doesn’t seem that important, hence, the frequent resistance to climbing into bed. But research is showing that sleep is far more important than we ever realized. When we are asleep, […]

Sleep: A Critical Ingredient in Childhood Health

Anyone who is a parent knows how hard it can be to get kids to sleep. When we’re young, we have boundless energy; sleep just doesn’t seem that important, hence, the frequent resistance to climbing into bed. But research is showing that sleep is far more important than we ever realized. When we are asleep, […]

Investing In Early Childhood Health And Education

          VIDEO The United Nations Children’s Fund issued a Health Report Card in 2007.1 It reviewed six dimensions of health including material well-being, health and safety, educational well-being, peer and family relationships, behaviors and risk, and subjective well-being. Where did the US fall in the rankings? In 5 of the 6 […]

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