
Exploring Human Potential

So What’s Craig Venter Up To These Days?

You remember Craig, former CEO of Celera Genomics, and one of the dynamic duo that literally fought its way through the Human Genome Project in the 90’s. 1,2 Craig battled away from the private side.3 And Francis Collins, his altar boy, alter ego, who was nominated to head the NIH on July 8, 2009, was […]

New Initiative Launches on the Future of Nursing

At some point in the near future, whether it’s this fall, as President Obama hopes, or early 2010, as more and more politicians are warning, we will transition from the “health reform debate” to “health reform implementation.” As front-line providers of care, nurses will play a critical role in the implementation of health reform—no matter […]

So What’s Craig Venter Up To These Days?

VIDEO You remember Craig, former CEO of Celera Genomics, and one of the dynamic duo that literally fought its way through the Human Genome Project in the 90’s. 1,2 Craig battled away from the private side.3 And Francis Collins, his altar boy, alter ego, who was nominated to head the NIH on July 8, 2009, […]

Here’s A Healthcare Stimulus Package Tip … Reserve a Doctor Before It’s Too Late!

The elements of health reform just aren’t adding up when you assess the limited number of personnel available to provide quality and timely care. I may be reminiscent of a broken record, but the healthcare sector does not currently have sufficient physician or allied health workforces to ‘absorb’ another 47 million people actively seeking clinic […]

Searching for Health Reform In All The Wrong Places

by Eric Dishman on July 17, 2009 Over the past few weeks, I have had a serious case of “news junkyitis” for everything I could find out about healthcare reform as Congress and the Obama administration debate what to do for our country’s healthcare crisis. I’m trying to be hopeful that real reform will happen–that […]

Protecting High School Football Players in The Summer

6 Things Parents of Kids in Summer Football Practice Should Know My first introduction to the dangers of over-exercise and under-hydration in the heat came in 1988, in my first job as a hospital administrator. I was at an academic setting in Western Massachusetts when we received a request to admit 35 police cadets for […]

Can We Afford Not To Do Prevention?

The debate on Health Care Reform is now focused on predicting the cost accurately. Logic suggests that investing in prevention will save money long term. Besides it’s clearly the right thing to do. Take for example colorectal cancer, the second leading cancer killer in the United States.1 Some 90 million Americans are at risk of […]

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