
Exploring Human Potential

“Medical Home” Vision

Too much medical, not enough home As we listen to thought leaders and experts in medical education, public health, chronic disease management, global health and the dual burden of disease, wellness and prevention,  and alternative health, two things are clear. First, change is in the air. Second, our thought processes are converging, even as our […]

Tight Budget?

Drop the vitamins!I think it’s fair to say that fear and concern about our individual and collective financial future is now widely, if not evenly, spread everywhere from Wall Street to Main Street and all the stops in-between. And with that has come belt tightening in almost every home in America. So here’s one cost […]

Is it Time to Regulate Infertility Clinics?

The curious case of Nadya Suleman If you’ve turned on the TV in the past few weeks, you couldn’t miss one of two sets of images. The first is our new president attempting to weave his way through a long list of complex issues to stir the country down a different financial path. The second […]

Alternative Medicine Goes Mainstream

Don’t forget palliative careAs populations age in the United States, chronic illnesses create an uncertain medical future. By 2030, a fifth of the U.S. population will be over 65, and many will face the challenges of managing one or more chronic illnesses for a significant number of years, including physical and psychological distress, functional dependency […]

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