
Exploring Human Potential

Can Health Plans Explain Why They Aren’t Re-Empowering Primary Care?

The health care crisis can be traced in part to the marginalization of primary care

PEPFAR Funding Renewed

An effort to improve our world As we prepare for the upcoming election, many will evaluate the President’s performance over the past eight years. Even President Bush’s greatest critics, however, acknowledge his demonstrated commitment to global health. Perhaps the most notable example of this impressive commitment is the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). […]

Don’t go to the Hospital Without these Ten Safety Tips

A trusted family member or friend should be your advocate Heading to the hospital?  Don’t go alone.  Knowing exactly what’s going on with your care is critical. Medical mistakes unfortunately do happen in hospitals and shockingly, it is reported that 238,337 patients died from potentially preventable medical errors during 2004 through 2006, according to HealthGrades’ […]

Food and Energy

Connected at the hip If we Americans really want energy independence, we should take a long hard look at our food system. Believe it or not, second only to automobiles, food consumes the most fossil fuel on a day to day basis — an unbelievable 19% of our total consumption.  How is that possible? To answer […]

An Impending Hanging

Will Health 2.0 be compromised by the economic downturn? Nothing focuses the mind like an impending hanging. — Samuel Johnson I’ve been preparing for tomorrow’s 3rd Health 2.0 conference in San Francisco, where I’ll join my pals Matthew, Indu Subaiya, Jane Sarasohn-Kahn and Michael Millenson amid a Who’s-Who cast of health industry luminaries. I spent […]

Indifference and Fear

Twin obstacles to human progressOver these past few months, it has become clear to most that change is upon us, whether we like it or not. We can manage it, or it can manage us. Psychologists say that change is unique in human experiences in its ability to instill in human beings two opposing emotions […]

Cheerleading Risks on the Rise

What parents should be aware of this fallOrganized sports play center stage in the lives of many teens. And for many parents, that means dealing with bumps and bruises – but also worrying about the possibility of a rare catastrophic event. When you think of women and sports injuries, where do you think most of […]

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