
Exploring Human Potential

Universal coverage?

Posted on | September 25, 2008 | Comments Off on Universal coverage?

One subscriber says yes, but people must take responsibility

Since launching Health Commentary and starting our Healthy Voices project, we have received many emails from subscribers addressing their opinions on health care reform. One of the frequent topics is: Should the U.S. have universal health care coverage? Sheryl Bungo of Pittsburgh recently shared her opinion on this and I thought you might like to hear what Sheryl had to say.

Read her comments below, and then let me know what you think. Is Sheryl right?



To:Mike Magee

From: Sheryl Bungo

Subject: Coverage

Yes, I agree everyone should have health coverage. My suggestion, everyone should take responsibility for coverage also.

Having parents stay on Medical Assistance with their children is not acceptable. In rare exceptions, maybe. Health care is a responsibility for all adults to accept. Giving free health care and having parents smoke, drink and not work is not acceptable. Medical assistance should always be a temporary insurance not a life long care.

I do not believe Canada has the best service for their people. People should have priorities and one of them is taking care of  health, education and welfare of their families.  I know and have experienced setbacks in my life but continued to work toward a stronger and bettter life, sometimes working two jobs to accomplish this demand on my family. I am not bragging but someone has to express that not everything that is important should be picked up by the government.  Help on a temporary basis yes, but not forever.



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