
Exploring Human Potential

9/11 Still Affecting New Yorkers

Posted on | August 20, 2008 | 1 Comment

Health issues continue to linger, almost 7 years laterAs one of our nation’s greatest tragedies — 9/11 — approaches its 7th anniversary, it is a fading memory to some. But for many — including thousands of people who lost loved ones, witnessed the events, or participated in the recovery efforts – the pain lingers. Increasingly, federal and state officials are acknowledging a significant disease burden in these survivors which will last their lifetime. Physical and mental ailments are now beginning to be reported in careful follow-up studies. And the news is not good: The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences tells us, for example, that 11 % of World Trade Center Rescue, Recovery and Cleanup Workers suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, which normally is present in approximately 3% of our population. In addition, 9% are clinically depressed, 5% suffer panic disorders, and 62% have substantial stress reactions.

None of this is news to the police or firefighters in New York City. They’ve been fighting an uphill battle for years, watching responders decline. Two years ago I attended the wake of a police responder who had committed suicide. His partners told me he was not the first, and that there were several others, physically disabled by the events, and increasingly depressed by prospects for their futures, who they knew would likely end up the same way.

The challenge that lies ahead is not a small one. It’s likely we’ll see problems for years to come. Dr. Robin Herbert, co-director of the hospital’s program monitoring afflicted workers, told lawmakers in 2006 that new patients are still arriving at Mount Sinai to be treated for 9/11-related illnesses and thousands probably will need lifelong care. And it’s not just New Yorkers. Volunteer responders from outside New York need will need to be monitored as well.

One of the biggest problems is the effect of dust-laden air tied to the catastrophe. What was in the air that day?  Pretty much everything that had been in two 100-story buildings – but in vaporized form. Years later, it has become clear that warnings by Christie Todd Whitman, then head of the EPA, fell short in protecting workers sent to the scene. The problem is that it is possible we were not measuring the right things at the time. For example, we are now learning the dangers of nanotubes, micro-miniaturized rolled up sheets of carbon that may be of future use in electronics. A study revealed that mice exposed to the substance responded with cancer development in the same way as when exposed to asbestos. There were no nanotubes in the Twin Towers, and asbestos measures at the time were supposed to be OK. But what about all the other vaporized computers, electronics and building materials we’d never expect to be in our air under normal circumstances?

What exactly was in that air, or why exactly some were vulnerable to mental illness and others not, we may never know. What we do know is this – that large numbers of Americans developed chronic disease from direct exposure to 9/11; that adequate protective measures were not taken by those involved at the site; and that significant ongoing support will be required for many years by those affected. It’s a terrible situation. As always, I’m interested in your viewpoints on this issue – please watch today’s video or read the full transcript – then leave a comment with your opinions.

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One Response to “9/11 Still Affecting New Yorkers”

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