
Exploring Human Potential

Larry Minnix Takes a Hands-On Approach to Labor Day

My good friend Larry Minnix, President and CEO of the American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging (AAHSA), never fails to frame a message within a story, and a story within an image. As we approach Labor Day, and in the middle of Political Conventions and the varying values and futures they portray, […]

Childhood Vaccinations and Back to School

Now is a good time to sort out the facts Kids will be starting school soon, and for parents of brand new students, that means taking a look at your child’s immunization record. What’s the big-picture connection between immunizations and school? By requiring all new public school students to have up-to-date vaccinations, we’ve reached the […]

Without the Wilderness, There Can Be No Wilderness Medicine

An open letter to the presidential candidates In this 2008 United States presidential campaign, as the two main candidates, Barack Obama and John McCain, are being scrutinized by voters and analysts for their strengths and weaknesses, largely related to the war in Iraq and the U.S. economy, we wish to remind the candidates that we […]

Seek to Become, Not to Acquire

Today’s doctors need to do more than just ‘walk the walk’. They must look and speak as professionals to gain patient trust. Every year a new group of college graduates assemble in medical school auditoriums across the United States to begin their four year metamorphoses.  A short “White Coat Ceremony” serves as a transitional introduction […]

Chastened and More Sober, Harry and Louise Return

New coalition urges health care reform with a clever ad, but, not surprisingly, they all understand reform differentlyYesterday Ron Pollack of Families USA led a call with bloggers – unfortunately, I couldn’t be on it – to discuss a new health care reform campaign sponsored by 5 prominent organizations: the American Cancer Society’s Cancer Action […]

9/11 Still Affecting New Yorkers

Health issues continue to linger, almost 7 years laterAs one of our nation’s greatest tragedies — 9/11 — approaches its 7th anniversary, it is a fading memory to some. But for many — including thousands of people who lost loved ones, witnessed the events, or participated in the recovery efforts – the pain lingers. Increasingly, […]

Blisters 101

Blisters are the bane of hikers and runners. This post explains their causes and formation. The Wilderness Medical Society Annual Meeting & 25th Anniversary held in Snowmass, Colorado from July 25-30, 2008 was fantastic in every aspect. The meeting was attending by more than 300 individuals, and included lectures, workshops, evening presentations and a celebration […]

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