
Exploring Human Potential


Posted on | July 21, 2008 | Comments Off on Smoke-Free

On July 1, Iowa went smoke-free — no more smoking in public

Just this month, on July 1st, Iowa went "smoke-free." That means no smoking in many public places, including restaurants, bars and even in one’s own car in the parking lot of a school, as the Des Moines Register put it.

In some Iowa cities, local bans already existed, but this new law has a state-wide effect. The law won’t necessarily change smokers into non-smokers immediately, but rather change the impact of their smoking. Groups of smokers will now likely aggregate outside public places along the sidewalks and streets, where the act would still be permissible. However, smoking inside was worse, where second-hand smoke has a more concentrated and harmful effect. And hopefully, the extra little effort now needed to carry out the act outside will slowly stem the harmful habit to a degree.

This law, in combination with increasingly stronger taxation, will hopefully decrease the number of smokers in time and their effect on public health. It is important to remember, though, that education and accommodation are two very important pieces of the puzzle. We must continue to place a strong emphasis on educating our citizens about the harmful effects of smoking, and offer them the proper accommodations and resources to quit, whether it be informative pamphlets, group sessions, or “quit kits,” You don’t go from smoker to non-smoker overnight, but with progressive laws, sufficient resources, and education, we can hope to move towards living in a healthier world!


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