
Exploring Human Potential

On Corporate Health Care: A Response to Brian Klepper, and His Reply

Maggie Mahar, a seasoned and experienced health thinker, believes we should outlaw for-profit medicine. Here’s our exchange Maggie Mahar, the former Barron’s journalist, author of Money Driven Medicine, and Health Policy Fellow at The Century Foundation chewed on my piece about Walgreen’s recent acquisition of worksite clinic firms, and wrote a strong response outlining why […]

Eldercare Technology

A Good Source Book When I present to clinical groups a vision of home-centered health care transformation, technology is always front and center as a lever to trip the health care system toward re-orientation and reform. Why? Because of the power of virtual connectivity, individual and family empowerment, and re-centering health care on the home […]

Rebuilding The Medical Home: What Walgreens Surely Sees

Walgreen’s purchase of two worksite clinic companies could be the most important health care development in recent years Though it probably went mostly unnoticed in the cacophony of health care stories, last week’s news that Walgreen’s had bought the two largest and most well-established worksite clinic firms, iTrax and Whole Health Management, was a harbinger […]

Celebrating Our 25th

Wilderness Medical Society 25th Anniversary and Annual Meeting to be held in Snowmass, Colorado It is a great pleasure to announce the 25th Anniversary and Annual Meeting of the Wilderness Medical Society (WMS). It’s hard to believe that it has been 25 years since I collaborated with Ed Geehr, MD and Ken Kizer, MD to create […]

The Importance of Barack Obama

Positive leadership on full display Last week I was running some errands and found myself in front of the Home Depot when the radio switched to live coverage of Sen. Barack Obama’s speech on race. Rather than move, I settled in to listen, because I felt the moment was historic, and it was. Whatever your […]

Probiotics: Hope or Hype?

A look at the “hot” food product in 2007… What does the science say? Foods with probiotics were the "it" products in 2007. Dannon’s Activia yogurt alone accounts for 40% of it’s U.S. sales. In 2008, as the the products become even more prevalent, consumers and health experts are asking, does this stuff really work? […]

Prevention Through Affordable Access

The price of contraceptives is skyrocketing for those least able to afford them As some of you may know, the Deficit Reduction Act came into effect last year, causing a dramatic increase in contraceptive prices across college campuses. Traditionally, Congress has expanded access to affordable prescription drugs for vulnerable populations by permitting pharmaceutical companies to […]

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