
Exploring Human Potential

Home-Centered Health Care Applications

Posted on | February 13, 2008 | Comments Off on Home-Centered Health Care Applications

The case of SAILWhen I speak about Home Centered Health Care, I’m frequently asked, "What can we do right now?"  My standard response is:

1. Build teams.
2. Include informal family caregivers.
3. Get into the home.
4. Embrace technology.
5. Don’t wait for permission.

Case in point, as described in a recent note to me from Ann Alpert of Madison, WI reporting on SAIL:

"You have affirmed for us that we are on the right track with SAIL and our work here at Oakwood Village Retirement Community. SAIL – Support for Active Independent Lives is a non-profit membership program for people 60+ living in their own homes.

We provide a core set of services for $25 per month aimed at helping them attain and maintain their highest level of functioning. We network the members, provide vetted vendors (handyman, housekeepers, painters, etc), personal health coaching, computer assistance, daily automated check in and many other services.

SAIL is sponsored by two CCRC’s, a home health agency and community based hospice center. In 2007, we developed two programs available to SAIL members and our CCRC residents: Active Care and Enriched Care. These programs were developed by Program Development Director, Alan Lukazewski, R.Ph., UWGeriatric Medicine’s Dr. Steve Barczi, along with Oakwood’s dietician, physical therapist, occupational therapist, personal trainer, social worker, parish nurse and most importantly a group of elders. The programs specifically screen for the existence of and/or risk of depression, memory loss, incontinence, poor bone health, nutritional deficits, medication misuse/overuse, balance and gait issues, pain dueto arthritis or other chronic conditions. Following the screenings, each person assists in developing their personal health plan where they receive 1:1 personal health coaching, weight resistance programs, lunch talks on the above topics, buddy system, and post-program followup/screenings. The personal health coach assigned according to how his/her profession fits with the client’s needs. A strong emphasis is placed on lifestyle changes and peer support.

In addition to this, SAIL is working on integrating web-based technology into the homes of members to assist with health monitoring, home safety and social connections as we recognize that this will be key in managing health needs at home."


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