
Exploring Human Potential

A Healthy Makeover For Your Pantry

Posted on | February 1, 2008 | Comments Off on A Healthy Makeover For Your Pantry

Cooking healthy food at home doesn’t have to be complicated. Here’s a useful guide to help you stock up on staple foods for your pantry, refrigerator and freezer.

Thanks to the University of Nebraska’s "cook it quick" program for providing consumers with some great resources to prepare meals at home – without breaking the bank. Cooking at home doesn’t have to be complicated. But you should start with well-stocked freezer and pantry. Save time at the grocery store with this shopping list.

Why go through the trouble of cooking at home? Plenty of reasons. From the health side, it’s nice to be able to choose and control the ingredients that go into your dinner. You are also likely to eat a more reasonable portion because you make your own plate.

Want a quick way to check the quality of the meal? Try the "plate test" 1/2 of the plate should be vegetables, 1/4 should be protein (animal or plant sources) and 1/4 whole grains. It’s not rocket science but it’s a quick, simple way to size up your meal.

Happy cooking!

(Rebecca Scritchfield is an exercise and nutrtion writer, speaker and consultant. She can be reached at Opinions expressed by Health Commentary guest bloggers do not necessarily represent the views of Health Commentary.)


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