
Exploring Human Potential

Stay warm, but stay healthy

Posted on | January 21, 2008 | Comments Off on Stay warm, but stay healthy

As students move indoors this winter, taking health precautions is a good idea

As the start of a new semester begins, students across the country will be returning to their college campuses with the winter months upon us. As the students try to keep warm indoors, the breeding and spreading of sickness becomes very real, especially within the residence halls, where contact with others is at a maximum. That’s why it’s as important as ever to keep a few healthy habits in mind. Students should remember to wash their hands often — everything you touch in the dorms is almost guaranteed to have been touched by numerous others. It’s the fastest way to catch the sickness you don’t want to start the semester off with. Good sleeping habits are very important as well — it’s a time for our bodies to fight off infections and foreign particles. It’s easy to get carried away with late-night conversations or Facebook (I’d be the one to know), but nothing can replace a good night’s sleep. Finally, if you do happen to get sick, don’t hesitate to visit your student health clinic. Often, we students like to brave out sickness and tend to underestimate the severity of infections. You definitely do not want to take the chance with a case of mono or meningitis, so it’s better to be safe than sorry! At most universities, clinic visits are free and a good way to get updated with the latest health and lifestyle information as well. Good luck to everyone as we kick off another semester. Stay warm! Stay Healthy!

(Atul Nakhasi is a pre-med junior majoring in biology at the University of Iowa and the student chair-elect of the American College Health Association. He can be reached at Opinions expressed by Health Commentary guest bloggers do not necessarily represent the views of Health Commentary.)


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