
Exploring Human Potential

GM Goes Full Circle on Employer-Based Health Care

An aging corporate giant points us in a new health-care direction It’s probably fair to say that as General Motors goes, so goes employer-based health care in the United States. After all, GM’s 1950 agreement with the United Auto Workers (UAW) was the first to build extensive health care and retiree benefits into its basic […]

Childhood Mortality

Common misperceptionsIf I were to ask you what the top killer of young children around the world is, what would you say? Many of you might say HIV-AIDS. And you wouldn’t be alone. A recent survey of 1,025 American adults found that 42 percent believed HIV-AIDS to be the top killer. The truth? It was responsible […]

Nadia Kent on California Fires, Katrina, Yuppies and the Media

Listening and EngagingWherever you look in America today – health, education, energy, environment, housing – the issues are complex. All of the major societal trends – aging, globilization, comsumer empowerment fueled by New Media, the Internet and virtual connectivity, expanding gaps between rich and poor, growing family complexity (not 3, but more often 4 and […]

States focusing on Health Care Policy

But will the nation? With the Iowa caucuses just around the corner, presidential candidates are increasingly camped out in the state. And the state is greeting the process with open arms. is there in part through the efforts of Atul Nakhasi and Greg Baker at the University of Iowa. They are the student leaders […]

The Generic Bandwagon

How generic medicines fit into the big picture of health care It came as a surprise to some recently when we learned that the average price of pharmaceuticals grew last year at a much lower rate than other consumer categories, such as groceries and gas. What’s going on? Why have some drug prices leveled off? […]

Tell the Candidates What You Think

The Healthy Voices project gives you a chance to express your opinions Want to express your opinion on health care to the presidential candidates? It’s easy if you participate in Health Commentary’s “Healthy Voices” project: Using your computer’s webcam, simply upload your video thoughts to us and we’ll forward them to the candidates. We’re collecting […]

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