
Exploring Human Potential

Childhood Mortality

Posted on | November 10, 2007 | Comments Off on Childhood Mortality

Common misperceptionsIf I were to ask you what the top killer of young children around the world is, what would you say? Many of you might say HIV-AIDS. And you wouldn’t be alone. A recent survey of 1,025 American adults found that 42 percent believed HIV-AIDS to be the top killer. The truth? It was responsible for only 3 percent of the 9.7 million deaths last year in children under 5. If not HIV-AIDS, then perhaps Malaria? Once again, a large number (18 percent) agreed. It was responsible for 8 percent of deaths — some 800,000 children worldwide. What are the top killers according to the WHO? First, about one third of all deaths are the result of a clusters of causes related to complications of childbirth. Second, pneumonia is responsible for just under 20 percent of deaths. And third, diahrrea was resposible for 17 percent of deaths. Solutions to all three are dependent on reliable infrastructure (water/sanitation, hygiene education, health monitoring and health delivery). The second and third also require a 58-cent dose of antibiotic syrup and 42 cents worth of rehydration salts, respectively.


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