
Exploring Human Potential

Hiding Vegetables in Kids’ Food

Stealth health. It’s a term that has been used for years to describe adopting healthy behaviors without much effort. But it’s been all the rage since Jessica Seinfeld appeared on Oprah with her new book, Deceptively Delicious: Simple Secrets to Get Your Kids Eating Good Food (HarperCollins, 2007). The book benefited from the “Oprah Factor” […]

Breaking Through on Water

Your water footprint By Mike Magee We’ve finally broken through on Global Warming. Most denial has fallen away; Al Gore has a Nobel Prize; The Today show and NBC Nightly News have green peacocks and have “covered the Earth”; and everyday people like you and me are wondering what our “personal carbon footprints” are. If […]

Our Quality Chasm

There is a lot to be said about quality today. It’s a term we hear in almost any conversation about healthcare, and as much as it’s used, it is misunderstood. Ask most any physician or hospital leader and they will tell you that we have, without question, the best quality healthcare in the world. But […]

Dangers of the Tanning Industry

A new twist in Europe Here is a comment from a viewer in the United Kingdom in response to our Health Politics program on the dangers of tanning salons: "A good article. But you don’t mention the horrendous situation in some British cities. Tanning facilities have been set up in premises with coin in the slot payment […]

Health and Petroleum

Yes, there’s a link between the two and it’s worth thinking about Anyone who has followed my Health Politics programs over the last few years knows that I’ve done a lot of research on our most precious resource — water — and how it affects virtually every aspect of our lives. In the process of […]


Kids need the right amount in order to learn Anyone who is a parent knows how hard it can be to get kids to sleep. When we’re young, we have boundless energy; sleep just doesn’t seem that important, hence, the frequent resistance to climbing into bed. But research is showing that sleep is far more […]

The Information Revolution

And Health Care thinks it has problemsAnd you think you have problems? How would you like to be in the newspaper business right now? The Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, New York Daily News, Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, Houston Chronicle had decreases in paid circulation over the past year by anywhere from 1.5% […]

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