
Exploring Human Potential

A New Beginning

Posted on | September 6, 2007 | Comments Off on A New Beginning

With the Support from Meredith…and Robert Kennedy

The Labor Day weekend has passed, and with it Summer to Fall, return to school, and transition. For me, this is a special post-Labor Day. Having announced my intention to “retire” some 6 months ago, it has now arrived. So what’s next? More on that in the next few weeks. For now, I’ll simply say that there is much to do, and many different ways to do it. But one of my hopes is that the activities planned will allow greater dialogue with more everyday people, especially the young and the experienced. Trish and I are now working regularly with our daughter Meredith, who is heading up development for The Rocking Chair Project from her new location in Hanover, NH. She sent me a quote from Robert Kennedy today.

The first time I read it was some 25 years ago, in a book, during the summer in Greenfield, MA. She was only two then. Its meaning to me now is different I’m sure, than it was then. I have changed, and so has our world. Yet it resonates as strongly, if not more strongly for me, a quarter century later. Sent by Meredith, it carries a challenge, to stay involved, to stay engaged, to resist what is wrong, and foster what is right. These are not timid times. There is much to be done!

“This world demands the qualities of youth;
not a time of life, but a state of mind;
a temper of the will;
a quality of the imagination;
a predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite for adventure over the love of ease.
It is a revolutionary world we live in, and thus,
it (…) is young people who must take the lead.”

– Robert Kennedy


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