
Exploring Human Potential

One More Strand Unravels

How GM’s decision to turn over its benefits program affects the health insurance safety net Today’s news about GM’s settlement with the United Auto Workers raises huge questions about the future of American health care and American families. GM has essentially pulled out of the business of providing long-term health benefits to its employees, creating […]

What would YOU do?

Some cancer patients choose not to pursue treatment to prolong lifeAnyone facing a potentially terminal illness has confronted the questions of what to do when treatment appears to be failing. Is it best to fight for life until the end — or, as some patients do, does it make more sense to experience the final […]

The New Health Mecca

Should we focus our health care spending on “bricks and mortar�? or technology?…Or both? In this week’s show I look at the growing influx of development dollars into health care. Where is it all coming from? Certainly not the usual places – the medical community, government programs and the like… No, the new money is […]

Stem Cell Funding Now

Parkinson’s patient sends a message to President Bush The debate over stem cell research funding and policies in the United States will heat up again as we enter the 2008 presidential campaign season. Where do you stand on this issue? Watch this video to hear an emotional statement by someone whose life could be affected by […]

Silent Killer

The incidence of heart disease in women is much higher than many realizeHeart disease is the number one cause of death for American women, with a death rate six times greater than breast cancer. Approximately 8 million women have heart disease. Symptoms are easily missed and some women don’t get the treatment they need. Shani […]

TB: Still a Threat

Though we may not be as vulnerable as others around the world, tuberculosis remains a serious issue When Andrew Speaker created a stir in 2007 by travelilng internationally despite a tuberculosis infection, public attention was suddenly focused on TB. Many previously believed inaccurately that TB was a disease of the past. The PBS health series "Second Opinion" […]

Ira Magaziner — Remember Him?

The architect of the Clinton health care plan looks back and offers insights on today’s challenges With Hillary Clinton this week announcing her proposal for Health Care Reform under a Clinton Presidency, it’s worthwhile to view a recent address by Ira Magaziner, the architect of the failed Clinton Health Proposal in 1994, as he reflects […]

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