
Exploring Human Potential

China, Food and Fireworks

Every day, the world (at least as defined by health) gets smaller, doesn’t it? Take the straight trade line between China and the U.S. Let’s look at just two exports. The first accounts for a startling 75% of all sales in its category worldwide, with peak usage timed to celebrations around the world. What is […]

Detroit Blinks as Definition of Health Expands

Just last week it seemed as if Detroit had still not gotten the message — the world is changing. 11 states were still running radio ads meant to rally the people around resisting government intervention meant to force higher fuel standards on U.S. vehicles. “Change the subject” seemed to be the theme, with make-believe Americans saying “Why can’t […]

HHS is Taking AHIC Private

The American Health Information Community (AHIC) is going private. It was created in 2005 to make recommendations to the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services on how to accelerate the adoption of interoperable health information technology. The slide deck of Dr. Robert Kolodner (who succeeded David Brailer) is available at the link […]

HHS Blogging as Part of Pandemic Flu Preparedness

HHS live-blogged on through last Wednesday’s Pandemic Influenza Leadership Forum. The event attracted approximately 100 national leaders meeting about pandemic preparedness for Americans. The agenda for the forum is available at It’s very encouraging to see such emphasis on connectivity. My prediction: Next step: preparedness goes public as "the people" unite online with "the people […]

Multi-Generational Families and USA Today

My good friend Gail Hunt, a pioneer in the caregiver movement and president of the National Alliance for Caregiving, has been approached by USA Today. The paper wants to speak to four-generation caregiving families, preferably living in the same household, with elderly relatives who need help with Activities of Daily Living (ADLs). If you have suggestions, […]

Time for a Taste Test?

There’s a message for health care leaders in today’s Health Politics program, but I’m going to make you watch the video or read the transcript to find out what it is. Why? Because I’d rather blog today about the secondary theme of today’s program — the popularity of Mexican Coca-Cola in the United States. Are you […]

Can Health Care Pay Its Way to Success?

I’ve spent more than 30 years in health care and have run the gamut from non-profit to for-profit, from rural to urban, from clinical care to management, from doctor to patient. Along the way, I’ve been exposed to all sorts of incentives. And, looking back, I have to say that beyond the basics of fundamental financial security, […]

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