
Exploring Human Potential

What is HPM?

Learn more about the new concept of Health and Productivity Management Health and Productivity Management (HPM) is a new way of viewing health in the workplace. It calls for companies to do more to keep employees healthy, like investing in health coaching programs, building on-site wellness facilities, and screening for and managing chronic disease. With […]

Can Academics Lead in an Era of Prevention?

Academic Medical Centers (AMCs) are signaling their intent to lead the movement toward a preventive health care system . AMCs have two choices: Either lead the transformation or be left behind by the transformation. Witness the recent release of the proceedings of the Johns Hopkins/Healthways 6th Annual Outcomes Summit. Fred Brancati, director of general internal […]

Getting Serious About Injuries

Education and changes in behavior can help with prevention As you’ll see in this week’s Health Politics program, injury is the number one killer of Americans under the age of 45. At first, that might seem confusing because many think of injuries as sprained ankles during sports or broken bones from falling off a bike — […]

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