
Exploring Human Potential

Puck Weighs In on the Food Wars

Posted on | March 22, 2007 | Comments Off on Puck Weighs In on the Food Wars

Celebrity chef Wolfgang Puck has decided he can’t sit on the sideline of the “Food Wars” any longer. The owner of 3 food enterprises — that “fed more than 10 million in 2006” — is throwing his weight behind fundamental reforms in food production. He believes that “food conscience” and “food quality” go hand-in-hand.

Harnessing the power of his $360 million enterprise, which includes 14 fine-dining restaurants and 80 Gourmet Express restaurants, his instructions to managers now include:

1. Eggs only from chickens not confined in small cages.
2. No foie gras (the fattened liver of force-fed ducks and geese).
3. Veal and pork from farms where animals are not confined to crates.
4. Poultry meat from farmers using animal welfare standards.
5. Seafood whose harvest does not endanger the environment or deplete stocks.

Final words from Puck: “It’s time for us to make a statement and a time for us to see how we treat what we eat.”

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