
Exploring Human Potential

The Price of (Old) Toilets

Posted on | February 23, 2007 | Comments Off on The Price of (Old) Toilets

According to the EPA’s new WaterSense program, “super low-flow” toilets use 1.28 gallons of water or less per flush. Older toilets, still used in many households, use 4 to 6 gallons per flush. The difference over a single year? A savings of at least 4,000 gallons of water per toilet.

I’ve done a fair amount of work on water and will soon take a full multi-media presentation on the road. One question I hear a lot from people is: “How can I help?” Well, certainly, look at the my Healthy Waters site and the EPA’s WaterSense site. But, in addition, read Sara Schaefer Munoz’s column in yesterday’s Wall Street Journal. She discusses how the consumer movement to value water for the scarce resource it is is on the move, and there is a role for everyone, including you, to play.


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