
Exploring Human Potential

Time for the Fashion Industry to Confront Eating Disorders

On Jan. 9, 2007, the physician-led Academy for Eating Disorders released its recommended guidelines for the fashion industry, which has come under fire for having dangerously thin models on the runway. The guidelines include that models should be a least 16 years old and should have a body mass index (BMI) of 17.5 or greater […]

How Much Do You Know About Trans Fats?

When New York City recently announced it had banned artificial trans fats from restaurant cooking oils — and by mid next year will ban them from all restaurant food — I think there was quite a bit of confusion about what was going on and, more specifically, why. (I heard the phrase “trans – what?” […]

Update: The Real Cost of War in Iraq

Some months back, I outlined the untold stories of the war in Iraq — specifically, the devastating health impacts including the long-term injuries (that can be both mental and physical) that are increasing among our U.S. military veterans. Now, President Bush, in spite of the recent mid-term elections, has signaled his intent to further escalate […]

Health Networking Goes Social

A recent Harris Interactive survey revealed that Internet health information consumption is once again on the rise. In 2006, 80% of connected U.S. adults reported having searched for health information, compared to 72% the year before. But, as reported in the Wall Street Journal, that’s only part of the story. According to Doug Hirsch, founder […]

Getting Excited About the Technology Wave in Health Care

For many caregivers of my generation, technology has been viewed with double suspicion. First has been our concern that it would separate us from the people we serve, undermining touch and trust. Second has been the worry that technology in the wrong hands could drive policy in the wrong direction — limiting choice, access, coverage, […]

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