
Exploring Human Potential

What’s Wrong with Aging?

Posted on | November 1, 2006 | Comments Off on What’s Wrong with Aging?

If you watched this week’s Health Politics program, you know that human growth hormone (HGH) is being marketed as the “Fountain of Youth” … and many people are falling for this false claim, particularly aging Baby Boomers.

I’d like to get a discussion going about America’s obsessive quest to defy aging. Do we fear death? The afterlife? Or just looking old? Does it make us feel better to buy “miracle” products, even if they don’t work?

I’ll be having another birthday in the next couple of months, and, while I don’t necessarily like my wrinkles and I can’t stay out as late as I used to, I’m a grandfather now (see a photo of my two granddaughters above), and I wouldn’t trade that part of aging for anything in the world.

Let me know how you feel.


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