
Exploring Human Potential

Employer-Based Health Care: We Have to Think Long Term

This week’s Health Politics program is about employer-based health insurance. Nearly 63% of non-elderly Americans get their health insurance in this way. Have you ever stopped to think about how odd this is? As I mentioned in the program, the system basically developed without much planning and certainly without any long-term considerations. Adding health care […]

Digital Migration: Getting Everyone All Shook Up

Those of us tied to health tend to think our world is shaking faster and harder than everyone else’s. But the truth is that the forces of aging, consumer empowerment, societal complexity, the Internet and globalization have everyone “all shook up.” In fact, it’s hard to find a Fortune 500 company that isn’t “fundamentally rethinking […]

Positive Feedback

Health Politics is now about three years old with some 150 programs in the archive. Beyond our growth in numbers and commitment to” the people” and “the people caring for the people,” what keeps us going? Well, one thing for sure is the positive feedback we’ve received from week to week on our programs. The […]

Healthy Lives Start at Home

In this week’s Health politics program, I discuss the history between the Federal Trade Commission, the Food And Drug Administration, and food. The program explores various attempts that have been made to combat obesity, and childhood obesity, in particular, with federal legal action over the years. And progress has been made, but the numbers can’t […]

North Carolina Science Blogging Conference

I recently received a note from one of Tom Linden’s graduate students at UNC in Chapel Hill. Tom runs a great medical journalism program there, and Anton Zuiker is one of his stellar students. She alerted me to the North Carolina Science Blogging Conference that will take place Saturday, Jan. 20, 2007, at UNC Chapel […]

The Smokeless Tobacco Set Up

If you watched this week’s Health Politics program, you know that smokeless tobacco companies and traditional tobacco companies are introducing new products that are likely to attract more and younger users. They’re taking the “spit factor” out in hopes of making the process cleaner and more socially preferable. Who cares?! Cleanliness and manners are not […]

Health Affairs … The Blog

Last week was a big one for the health policy crowd. Health Affairs, the venerable, high-end, thought-leading, peer-reviewed journal of choice for health-thought influentials launched its non-peer reviewed but vetted blog. Its opening deserves your review for two reasons. First, John Iglehart, the editor of Health Affairs, explains the “why” behind the new blog. Second, […]

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