
Exploring Human Potential

Paul S. Auerbach, MD

Posted on | October 29, 2000 | Comments Off on Paul S. Auerbach, MD

P_Auerbach_120Paul S. Auerbach, MD
Clinical Professor of Surgery
Stanford University

Paul S. Auerbach, MD, MS is Clinical Professor of Surgery in the Division of Emergency Medicine at Stanford University. Dr. Auerbach is a Fellow of the American College of Emergency Physicians and of the Academy of Wilderness Medicine. Former Chief of Emergency Medicine at Stanford University and Vanderbilt University, he is one of the world’s leading authorities on wilderness medicine.

Dr. Auerbach is a graduate of Duke University and Duke University School of Medicine, as well as the Stanford Graduate School of Business. He is editor of the textbook “Wilderness Medicine,” author of the books “Medicine for the Outdoors,” “Diving the Rainbow Reefs,” “Bad Medicine,” and “Management Lessons from the E.R.,” past President of the Wilderness Medical Society and editor emeritus of the journal Wilderness and Environmental Medicine.

Dr. Auerbach serves as the national medical consultant on hazardous marine animals to the Divers Alert Network (DAN), is a member of the National Medical Committee for the National Ski Patrol System, is Chief Medical Officer and chairs the Medical Advisory Board for Healthline Networks, and is a recipient of the DAN America Award, the Outstanding Contribution in Education Award from the American College of Emergency Physicians, NOGI Award from the Academy of Underwater Arts and Sciences, and Diver of the Year from Beneath the Sea.


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