
Exploring Human Potential

Lewis Miller

Posted on | October 29, 2000 | 1 Comment


Lewis Miller
WentzMiller & Associates

Lewis A. Miller is corporate editorial director of Dowden Health Media and co-founder and principal of WentzMiller & Associates, a global consulting firm. He is also a co-founder and chairman of Intermedica, Inc., an international medical education company that exports Continuing Medical Education (CME) courses from the United States to other countries with an emphasis on Latin America and Spain.

Miller has had a distinguished career in the fields of medical journalism and continuing medical education. He is founder of both the Alliance for Continuing Medical Education in 1975, and the Global Alliance for Medical Education in 1995. He is a founding director of the National Commission for Certification of CME Professionals (2006), and co-founder of two major medical publishing-medical education companies, Miller & Fink Corporation (1966) and Dowden Health Media (1988).

Miller has worked closely with many medical organizations, including the American College of Physicians, American Academy of Family Physicians and American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists in the U.S., and the Mexican National Academy of Medicine, the Brazilian Medical Association, and the medical associations in Spain and Catalonia. In addition, he has brought global CME programs to pharmaceutical companies such as Bristol Myers Squibb, Pfizer and Wyeth.

He is a frequent speaker on trends in global CME at meetings in the U.S. , Europe and Latin America. He has received both the Founders Award and the Distinguished Service Award from the Alliance for CME, the Hippocrates Award from the Global Alliance for Medical Education (GAME), of which he is a director, and the Lifetime Award for Editorial Achievement from American Business Media. In 2007, he was inducted into the Medical Advertising Hall of Fame.  He has written a book for the general public, “The Life You Save: A Guide to Getting the Best Possible Care from Doctors, Hospitals and Nursing Homes.” He is a graduate of Princeton University and the Columbia University Graduate School of Business.


One Response to “Lewis Miller”

  1. Francs A. Toto
    July 16th, 2010 @ 3:06 am

    There is very strong evidence to demonstrate, and not merely to predict that the three biggest components of the healthcare establishement will suffer the second catastrophic event, enter a state of extreme instability, extreme vulnerability to relatively minor events, and suddenly collapse. In fact, it has been extensively demonstrated that the industry will suddenly, and violently collapse because of the exact same phenomena that caused the recent financial meltdown described as the worst since the Great Depression. The industry will collapse because of the same exact–mathematically homologous–phenomena that cause the Roman Empire to suddenly collapse (c. 500 AD), and numerous other industries to collapse, suddenly. Healthcare reform has diverted national attention away from the real story; Yes, it’s true: there are four ways an industry can “fail” one way is to collapse. Gross mismanagement for decades and a little neglect is going to cause great mischief.
    This project conclusively demonstrated that there is a time line, and time is rapidly running out.

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